Missing The Shows

Hello everyone! I hope you are well. Time sure does pass quickly. With the pandemic so much has changed for me, my family, and locally—at least what I can see directly around me anyway.

I’ve seen many shops and restaurants that didn’t survive, businesses that up and left or moved online, disappearing out of sight. Coffee shop—here one day gone the next.

Yet somehow the awareness of our local stores and the recognized need for them…and the amplification of supply and demand. Who knew toilet paper would be such a commodity?

Some things I miss a little, some things I miss a lot! There’s been a lot lost and also a lot gained, do you agree?

We’ve lost family members during this time which has been very difficult. The separation has been hard, especially knowing someone close to us is nearing their end of life and you cannot be there to hold their hand or offer comfort. My heart goes out to everyone in these situations. No one should die alone.

I have enjoyed some things though. To spend more time with my daughter as she grows. She was in kindergarten when the schools first shut down, when the pandemic began.

It was a blessing to spend that beautiful time together. While many parents struggled to keep their children on task with school…My daughter and I rode bikes and scooters, snuggled often, painted pictures and painted ourselves. We hiked, played in the mud and made videos of our adventures. I’ll never forget those precious moments that we wouldn't have had otherwise. With that also came the deep appreciation for what our teachers do everyday!

Overall I hope this pandemic has brought us closer together in some way—with our friends, with our neighbors, with our communities.

The computer screens distance us while providing a sense of connection which has been a very unusual experience. We’ve tried continuing “life as usual” while learning lots of new technical skills.

We held several trips to the Mountain, and a few camping adventures with our community over the past two years. The groups were small, but we learned a lot together. The black flies did not get the memo about social distancing by the way!

During this time I have been contemplating my own direction and learning as much as I can. I’ve tried to sit back and observe, and to participate in change.

Sometimes it’s so hard to choose to change, until it’s absolutely necessary!

So a few changes for me was deleting most of my social media and focus more on my personal relationships and those around me. I was forced to move from my home and it took 11 months to find a new one. Many people from Out of State came in and bought the houses up, sweeping them out from underneath many Mainers. For many they do not know the displacement of locals this caused…and is still causing today!

My hope is that some day we will think as a global community. That kindness & compassion for each other will take the lead.

I do very much look forward to the gatherings in person again! Maybe finding a new direction as a human family…

Some things may come back, but most likely in a very different way. One thing I will surely miss is are the in-person shows.

To be together, laughing, telling stories, and sharing over meals…

I hope to see you all again soon in person,


Bar Harbor July 2019

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